- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- I get home a little later than normal
on a Friday night. I check the mail, count the bills and enter
the house. I eat a small meal, draw a bath, and get my spare
key from my drawer.
- Then I open my front door, place the key
under the door quickly, and return to my bath. I take a slow,
casual bath, insuring that I wash my entire body completely.
I want to smell good tonight.
- After getting out of the bath, I look
at the time. 8:00 pm the sun is still in the sky, and
I go to the medicine cabinet and take a sleeping pill. I was
prescribed these when I was much more anxious, and they work
well for me. After swallowing, however, I wonder if I should
have taken half a pill.
- I put on a terrycloth bathrobe, and start
going through my mail.
- The grandfather clock chimed once.
- "Crap, it is already 8:30,"
I say to myself. "I have to get moving."
- I go to my room and retrieve a boot box
from under my bed. I have lots of shoe boxes under the bed
mostly for occasional shoes.
- I take off my robe and hang it in the
closet. I am completely nude, and I am starting to get sleepy.
- I have four custom-tied ropes in the box,
which I have used in the past to bind me to the bed. I also have
a cotton scarf, a gag ball, several dildos, a rabbit, twelve
condoms and a tape recorder. I place the gag ball, dildos, condoms
and rabbit back in the box and neatly place it on the floor next
to my bed. I place the tape recorder on the nightstand, right
next to my phone, and I put all four ropes on the bed.
- These ropes are special, as I have sewn
some cotton to somewhat pad my skin. I take the two foot ropes
and secure them to the bed and to my ankles. I can do this without
any help.
- I then take my phone, and press the green
button so I am ready to dial. I take a deep breath.
- I take another breath, and then hit the
play button on the tape recorder.
- I count to five, hit the auto-dial button,
close my eyes and hit one random number. The auto-dial dials
one of three men I know, but I have no idea which man.
- I set the receiver next to the tape recorder,
plug my ears with my fingers and lay back.
- I don't hear the message clearly, but
I recorded it in the morning. This is what the message says:
- Hey, sweetie, this is Leesa. This is
a recorded message, but please listen closely. This part
of the message actually repeats itself once, just in case I started
the tape recorder prematurely. I have placed my house key
under my mat, and I want you to come over and have your way with
me. I know in the past I have had you follow several rules about
what I would and would not do. As long as you don't hurt me,
you can do anything you would like with me tonight. I may be
asleep when you get here just wake me up any way you want
to. Oh, I will be the nude women tied up to my bed. Did I mention
I want you to have your way with me? Don't bother calling. Leesa.
- I kept my fingers in my ears through the
message. I did not want to know who got the call. When I could
not hear the tape recorder anymore, I quickly pressed the red
button on the phone.
- I tied the hand ropes to the other posts
on the bed and slipped them around my wrists. If I wanted to,
I could get out of these ropes. But I did not want to.
- The sleeping pills were doing their magic,
as I drifted off to sleep.
- Leesa
- You can find more stories from Leesa or
leave your feedback on this story here:
- http://dsmoya31410.blogspot.com