- Lace, Whalebone and Hellfire
- Part 2 (Click
here for the first part)
- By Bound Jenny.
- I know it's been a while, and you've
been impatient, but my inspiration was temporarily interrupted
by a teensy-weensy health issue back in July. Since then, I have
recovered quite nicely and am back up to my evil and sexy musings
after putting my health on priority. In any case, evil is sexy!
- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- Prologue to part 2
- Michael Whitby is now trapped in a crazy
world of crossdressing, bondage, and domination. The headmistress
of the Countess' retreat estate, Miss Laverdiere, is taking personal
interest in his training as a lady, in preparation for a visit
by the Countess in a few month's time. And she was no one to
take back talk or resistance as an answer to an order. And Miss
Laverdiere was ready to back her orders with two burly footmen,
if necessary.
- So now we return to the story of our young
Victorian man, Michael Whitby, who is now caught inescapably
in... The Jenny Zone.
- -
- Act 1 - Dressing up
- The bedding was warm and comfortable.
He had slept fitfully at first, unaccustomed to the new surroundings,
then soundly. Soundly enough for the Headmistress to shout, "Up!",
after several insistent but unfruitful attempts to rouse the
young man. He jumped and pulled the covers up slightly - he was
nude under the sheets - and looked, wide-eyed, at the assembly
of women that was occupying his quarters. He blinked as Miss
Laverdiere repeated the order. "Up, or I'll pull you out
by the ears!" Down in his being, he knew that she was serious
about the threat. Keeping part of the down comforter over his
privates, he swung his legs slowly over the edge of the bed.
"Faster than that!" Miss Laverdiere barked as she whipped
the bedding away from him. He stood there, bare as the day he
was born, red-faced, while the other women smiled. The headmistress
just stood there with a stern expression on her face.
- "If you're to be a Lady, then you
need to learn discipline and how to get up sharp and early in
the morning!" After a pause, "You're lucky your correction
corset isn't ready yet." The menace of the mysterious correction
corset. He hadn't found any reference to it in his readings of
the day before, where he carefully studied the basics of a woman's
wardrobe. He looked around, and noted a collection of boxes that
accompanied the women he had encountered yesterday in his tour
of the... facilities.
- "Well, at least you're completely
undressed. I'll credit you for that. It makes our job easier.
Now, what comes on first?" The question was blunt. He searched
his memory, and replied, uncertainly, "The chemise, and..."
a slight hesitation, "... drawers." For a few seconds,
the fierce countenance of Miss Laverdiere changed to one of mock
surprise, before going back to being fierce, though somewhat
less so. She needs to keep inspiring fear so her charges would
remain well-behaved. There is nothing like the fear of consequences
to inspire respect, discipline and good behavior. "Well?"
she asked, irritated. One of the women pulled out some frilly
undergarments, loose and light, from one of the boxes. "The
rest will be stored in the cabinets here, once we are finished."
the attendant lady said. He put the drawers on first, then the
chemise, remembering the drawings in one of the books.
- "Now I am pleased, young lady. Yes,
young lady - you are to be trained so. But you forgot something."
as she glanced and nodded her head at Whitby's chest. His heart
skipped a beat - he had failed in front of the headmistress.
But she was lenient today. "I will forgive your error as
it is your first day. But do not press my leniency too much."
He removed the chemise and hurriedly put on the breast forms.
They hung heavily on his chest, as the pockets on the garment
seemed to be filled with some coarse material. Once the chemise
was back on, he stood nervously. The woman he met yesterday,
Caroline the corsetiere, took the training corset and brought
it to him. "Turn around please." He obediently turned
to face away from her. He felt the cold, stiff cloth embrace
his torso, and the characteristic clipping of the busk hooks
as Caroline closed the garment around him. "I suggest you
raise your arms, missy." the corsetiere said, nonchalantly.
He did, and felt the first pull of the laces. He had never managed
more than just closing a corset around him, in his private amusements,
and now he began to feel what the true grip of such a garment
- Caroline expertly tightened the laces
with the fingers of one hand, while keeping the ends taut with
the other. She worked her way up from the bottom to the waist,
pulled out the slack, then did the same from the top down to
the waist. She did this several times, gradually tightening the
corset around him. With each pass, he felt the grip tighten,
and his ability to move inside the garment diminish. The steadily
increasing tightness and stiffness was alarmingly arousing. Just
when he thought he couldn't take any more, Caroline stopped and
knotted the loose ends behind him.
- "That's as tight as we want you for
now. You will get used to it, soon enough. That's when we'll
tighten you up some more. But don't worry, we won't make you
faint. We are training your body to accept progressively tighter
corsets, molding your torso into the lovely hourglass shape that
is so admired by menfolk." She was right on that account
- the Countess' figure was quite admirable, with that tiny waist
connecting those wide skirted hips and tapering up to a magnificent
bust line. He imagined himself in such an incredible corset...
- He was taken to a full-length mirror where
he stopped dead in his tracks, wide-eyed, staring at the reflected
figure. It was nowhere nearly as shapely as any of the other
ladies, and short by far of the Countess, but it was stunning
nonetheless. His heart pounded hard, and he breathed shallowly,
not so much from the action of the corset, which was surprisingly
comfortable despite its tightness, but from his emotional reaction
to his own reflection in the mirror.
- In order to breathe, he had to heave his
upper chest up and down, instead of the normal breathing motion
of in and out. It was just as effective, but it felt strange.
He would have to get used to it. The unyielding prison of cloth
would allow nothing else. No matter how hard he inhaled, how
hard he pressed his chest and belly against the corset, there
was no give at all. Just a faint creaking sound. That very same
creaking sound that was so arousing to him.
- "Now what comes on?" He shook
himself out of his reverie, and scoured his mind for the answer.
It then popped into his head - before anything else was put on
over the corset, there had to be some protection between it and
any other garments. "The corset cover." he said slowly,
still trying to figure out how to breathe, talk and move with
the corset. Indeed, since the corset had some hardware protruding
from it, especially the busk hooks, it was necessary to protect
delicate blouses, petticoats and dresses from that hardware.
A proper dress for a lady was no inexpensive proposition, and
every precaution was required to protect that investment. The
corset cover was a blouse-like affair, somewhat loose-fitting,
buttoned at the front. One of the attendants pulled out a mountain
of white, frilly cloth. "Petticoats, my dear." said
the headmistress. The first one was very close-fitting, and somewhat
sturdier than the others. As one of the seamstresses explained,
it was to prevent long steps, to protect the tight, hobbling
skirts that were in fashion. The delicate fabric and seamwork
wouldn't resist a misstep, and would tear in a second. Miss Laverdiere
punctuated that explanation with "And that would be immediately
followed by some form of correction or punishment." The
tone of her voice was almost gleeful in anticipation. It sounded
like she enjoyed administering corrections.
- Once his hips and legs were encased in
all that lovely, frilly fabric, his figure seemed even more incredible.
The hips were amplified by the thick petticoats, which made the
waist look even smaller. The long cascade of cloth that flowed
down from his hips in a graceful white cascade made his upper
body look like a miniature. Now he understood how those lovely
ladies could look so irresistibly feminine. "Shoes!"
one of the attendants said, nervously. Miss Laverdiere fired
a sidelong glance at her. "We will address this omission
later, Miss Gatchell." the headmistress said in an icy tone.
Michael had a feeling that Miss Gatchell would be having a...
correction... later. What form that would take was only known
in the mind of Miss Laverdiere.
- The shoes themselves had relatively low
heels, maybe two inches. This was a proper starting point for
someone who never wore anything more than regular shoes with
wide, flat heels. But the narrowness of the heel made those two
inches seem like two feet. Once they were on, he teetered precariously,
and it was an effort to just keep standing. And they were quite
snug, tightly encasing his feet.
- He was seated in a chair. Sitting in a
tight corset is a new experience. He lowered himself slowly,
almost gracefully, until his buttocks touched the chair. The
sensation was odd, with all that cloth padding his hindquarters,
and the skirts hobbling his legs, and a new sensation, the corset
being pushed up and squeezing his ribs even more. He sat nearly
bolt upright, his chest projecting forward, his buttocks sticking
out backward. "You're a natural at this, young woman."
It was unnerving to be addressed so. "Remember that you
are to be graceful, dignified, and submissive. Now we're going
to shave your face. We don't want you looking like an unkempt
longshoreman." One of the women shaved his two day old beard,
expertly, until his face was baby smooth. He never had a shave
like that.
- "Now we can get to serious business...
Hmmm... Caroline, the collar, please." Miss Laverdiere requested,
gently, but with a tone in her voice that signaled she was about
to enjoy the next part of the process. The corsetiere produced
a tiny corsetlike affair, frilly around the edges, lace facing
but with a sturdy leather inner lining. Miss Laverdiere clipped
it around Whitby's neck quickly, and he felt pulling at the back.
Soon he felt an increasing pressure around his neck and throat.
His eyes widened somewhat, a slight panic settling in. "Do
not be afraid, young... lady. This is just to keep your posture
in check. If you resist-" she paused as she pulled the laces
brutally tighter, almost strangling him, "-it will just
be pulled tighter." The grip loosened somewhat from a strangle
to a bearable choke hold. "Relax, and it will feel better."
He did. And it did feel somewhat better. The contraption held
his neck from below the chin - holding his head erect - down
to just below collarbone level. Now he was solidly imprisoned
in cloth and whalebone and lace from his chin down to his hips,
with little freedom between. The sight in the mirror was impressive,
arousing, almost frighteningly so.
- Next came a high-necked blouse, close-fitting
around the neck, its long cuffs quite tight over the arms below
the elbows. Those cuffs were buttoned closed with fourteen buttons
each. The tightness of the sleeves made his arms look slimmer.
The blouse was frilled and flounced over the chest, and buttoned
in the back. The skirt came on next, pulled on over his head,
and down until it was snug around those layers and layers of
petticoats. He understood now the function of the hobbling petticoat.
Just one step over the limit, and rrrrrrippp!!, that skirt was
history, and Miss Laverdiere would gleefully administer whatever
devious punishment she had in mind. A sleeveless vest came on
over the blouse, buttoned tight in front, and then a tight-fitting
jacket with puffed-up shoulders and long, tight cuffs. Some tight-fitting
white kid gloves were fitted, and the dressing process was over.
Now to some cosmetic work. Powdered, blushed, lips painted, and
a wig parked on his head. He was led back to the mirror, and
what he beheld was astonishing. It took Michael several seconds
to recognize himself. Or herself. He couldn't decide which.
- His identity was being slowly dissolved
away. He tried to keep in touch with reality. A hushed whisper
in his ear, "Don't fight it, missy. It will only make it
worse..." The hot breath and maddeningly arousing whisper
was that of Miss Laverdiere, the headmistress, tormenting him
further in his predicament, making him straddle the fine line
between pleasure and humiliation. Or more accurately, blurring
that line. Just like the line between his masculinity and the
femininity that stared back at him from the mirror.
- The most frightening part of that was...
she was right.
- -
- Act 2 - Training to be... a
- He ran his hands over the skirt, and pressed.
He could barely feel anything through the multiple layers of
cloth. His hands strayed slowly up to his hips, and to his waist.
The incredible curves - unfamiliar to him even if they were pathetically
inadequate compared to the female staff here - were impossibly
stunning, arousing even. He had become exactly what he desired,
who he desired. He had always dreamed of caressing a tightly
corsetted woman's curves, but this was different, one might say
it was disturbingly exciting. He squeezed and pressed his waist
and chest - it was like trying to squeeze iron, so stiff it felt.
There was no give either from the outside nor - more distressingly
- from the inside. Somehow this distress and arousal was unbelievably
attractive, addictive. He wondered how women could withstand
this, day after day, week after week, month after month, year
after year. He remembered the Countess' impossible waist, so
tiny he could wrap his hands around it and his thumbs and fingers
would touch on opposite sides. The faint creaking sound as she
- "Snap out of it!" was the sharp
order from the headmistress, Miss Laverdiere. It fulfilled its
purpose - his wandering mind came suddenly and brutally back
to reality. The reality where he was dressed and made up as a
woman, a lady, and surrounded by other ladies who actually participated
in his transformation. His heart was pounding hard, he realized
for the first time. That made for a very curious sensation while
tightly laced, waist and neck. He was led away from the mirror
and the headmistress, all business, told him, "We will practice
walking and taking stairs. Follow me."
- Walking... who would think that one needed
practice for that! But when one was trussed up in this confining,
restrictive dress, and the crushingly tight corset, it was a
challenge just to breathe and walk at the same time.
- First preconceived notion about walking
is out the window - long steps. As a man, he was used to taking
long steps, kicking his leg forward and letting the rest of him
fall until that leg stopped him from hitting the ground, then
repeating the ungainly process with the other leg, over and over
again. Tightly corsetted, hobbled by a tight petticoat and skirts,
handicapped by high heels, he had to learn how to walk all over
again. And the collar he wore prevented him from looking down
to see where he trod. There was a young lady waiting outside
his room, in her twenties, dressed similarly to him, hobbled
by a tight skirt, but with a much smaller waist - she had been
tightlacing for at least a few years, if not more. Miss Laverdiere
told Michael to follow the young woman's example.
- She walked briskly, but gracefully. He
was mesmerized by her movements below the waist. "Pay attention!"
snapped the headmistress. He was paying attention, for sure -
it was his motivation that was woefully delinquent in its intentions.
Miss Laverdiere pulled him forward forcefully - she was uncannily
strong - and he stumbled forward clumsily. He finally realized
that he should be watching the young woman to analyze her technique,
not her form.
- Walking in a tight dress, a hobbling skirt,
is an art (mind you, most men wouldn't argue with that and quite
appreciate this particular form of art). One needs to exploit
every inch of travel in every part of one's anatomy that had
freedom of movement. First lesson - use the hips to lengthen
one's steps. Second lesson, don't push that too far - or you'll
get a correction from Miss Laverdiere. If one pivots the hips
just enough, one can get an extra couple of inches out of a step.
Oh, typically male, he would want to see how fast he could do
it and how far he could pivot, but Lesson Number Two - punctuated
by a cuff from the headmistress - taught him that subtlety is
an advantage, not an impediment. Now this extra couple of inches
was necessary because of the heels, which forced him to take
shorter steps anyway. Lesson number three - being a woman was
complicated... dressing, walking, behaving... Even just breathing.
- He awkwardly walked along to breakfast,
behind the young lady, prodded along by Miss Laverdiere, and
tried to sit down by himself. More preconceptions out the window
- like sitting down quickly, dropping into one's chair. He remembered
the Countess as she lowered herself slowly and carefully, but
gracefully - everything was graceful about her - into her chair.
It was a process that took several seconds, and did not involve
a disgraceful drop and plop. It was more difficult than he could
imagine - the tight skirts didn't move with him without some
wiggling. It also took quite a bit of strength and control in
his legs. Miss Laverdiere and the young walking model helped
him down. "It is easier when you aren't wearing a hobbling
petticoat, missy." the headmistress suggested. Eventually,
after about a half minute of wiggling, gasping for breath, and
general grunting, he was down. Sitting bolt upright because of
both the corset and the chair's straight, high back, he waited
for breakfast.
- He ate a lot less than he expected. The
unyielding pressure of the corset made him feel full a lot more
quickly, and prevented him from wolfing the food down as he was
accustomed. The tight collar around his neck didn't help any.
He knew now why he was instructed to take it easy. Even drinking
a simple glass of water was a challenge - a sip at a time, give
it time to trickle down, and start over. "Don't worry, over
time, the next couple of weeks or so, your stomach will adapt
to its new confines, and you'll be able to eat normally again
- to a point, you'll need to mind your figure. But remember that
once you wear a really tight corset, say for a special occasion,
you'll need to curb your appetite again." Add eating to
the list of complications. And what would be a special occasion?
- He wondered how the Countess, in her impossibly
tight corsets, could even eat anything. Then he remembered that
she must have spent at least thirty or so years tightlaced. After
decades of confinement in those prisons of cloth and whalebone
and steel, her insides must be rearranged in some fashion. He
heard of stories of women who fell ill because of corsets, but
so far, they remained stories, mostly propagated by those who
were against corsets. Mostly men. As he learned later, those
stories were overamplification of rare cases, especially those
where tightness was increased far too quickly in the training
program, overwhelming the body's ability to adapt. No one could
gain an instant waist reduction of eight inches without damage.
That is why waist training is a long, laborious process that
needs to be performed diligently and carefully, adjusting to
the wearer's body. And the body can transmit a wealth of information
on its condition. One only has to listen.
- Miss Laverdiere decided that he was full.
"That's all for now, young lady." she said, almost
tauntingly. Somehow, this taunting, this subtle humiliation was
a turn-on to Michael. The sensation surprised him. Then it dawned
on him that when he bound himself, dressed in the undergarments
of the young lady, the mere thought of discovery and the humiliation
that would ensue was immensely stimulating. Of course, it was
once he was discovered and humiliated, that his mind had the
"normal" reaction of feeling shame. Here, he had no
choice but to obey, to submit. And he was encouraged to do so!
All the various and sundry parts of his fantasies, dressing in
the clothes of the opposite sex, being ordered around by a strong
female figure, being confined or bound, "forcibly"
trained to behave like a lady, were coming together.
- Again, Michael was assisted as he rose
from the chair. "We'll have to work on that." said
Miss Laverdiere. The rest of the morning consisted of deportment
lessons, etiquette, and other assorted details that ladies must
remember and practice, including sitting and getting up again.
One particularly frightening lesson was climbing (and most especially)
and descending stairs. It is unbelievably unnerving to go down
stairs with a hobbling skirt. Each step must be calculated and
done one at a time, handicapped by the collar again, so he couldn't
look down. He was reassured that it would soon become second
- After a very sparse lunch - again restricted
by the confining corset - he was back to walking lessons. But
this time, Miss Laverdiere imposed another restriction. "I
am not impressed by the way you flail your arms around as you
walk, young lady. It is most ungraceful and unbecoming."
She nodded at two of her aides, who pulled Whitby's arms behind
him and proceeded to bind his wrists and elbows together, though
the elbows didn't come close to touching, they were pulled as
close together as they could be, and it was quite uncomfortable,
and it forced his shoulders back and his bust outward. He was
about to voice a protest when he saw the headmistress shoot him
a stern glare. Wisely, he stifled his complaint. "You will
learn how to balance yourself without your arms. You will walk
gracefully, like a lady, before the Countess returns. She expects
- Throughout the afternoon, he prayed that
he wouldn't be made to do the stairs again, with his arms bound
tightly behind him. That part of his wish was fulfilled, though
he teetered precariously as he walked about. The effort was considerable,
maintaining his balance, walking properly to the criteria of
Miss Laverdiere, who spared no comments on his gait and deportment,
and the added restriction of the tight corset. He did improve
as the afternoon progressed, judging by the decreasing frequency
of caustic remarks from the headmistress.
- What Whitby did realize while his arms
were tightly bound behind him, is that he found his predicament
even more pleasurable, despite the discomfort imposed by the
bonds. Now that the bondage part of his fantasies was added to
his cross-dressing, he was taken a little bit closer to his ultimate
fantasy. But unbeknownst to him, it was also taking him closer
to the goal set by Miss Laverdiere, as ordered by the Countess.
- And what the Countess wanted, the Countess
ordered, and the Countess received. What she wanted from Michael
Whitby was more than just a transformation. Everything that had
happened, and was to happen, would fulfill her plans.
- When those plans will be complete, Whitby
would learn the true nature of the Countess' private retreat.
- -
- Act 3 - Restless night
- Supper was as usual, as Whitby ate a lot
less than he was used to. Or should he think of himself as "she"?
More lessons in etiquette in the early evening, then to his room
for a bath before bed. After he disrobed, he noticed the marks
left by the bones and seams of the corset on his skin. He felt
a little self-conscious in front of his handmaidens, who didn't
seem to take notice at all of his nudity. It was as if they were
accustomed to doing this. A thought crossed Whitby's mind...
if these ladies were used to doing this, how many others came
before him? He started wondering who was really a woman, and
who was a man transformed into one. And where were they? He hadn't
seen anyone who fit the profile. And what was the true function
of the Countess' retreat, what were her intentions? He remembered
the thin, faint smile that she had before she ordered him here,
which was the same smile that was on the painting of her in the
main hall.
- Back into the lady clothes he went, fresh
ones for the night: chemise, drawers, the training corset, and
a nightgown. At least the collar was left off. But before the
nightgown was put on, Miss Laverdiere checked his waist. She
stuck a finger inside the corset, through the laces, and gauged
the tightness. "Give her another half-inch." The laces
were untied, and after some light grunting behind his back, the
corset was tightened slightly. To Whitby, it was like he was
being crushed alive. The stiffness he experienced when the corset
was first put on was back. The unyielding tightness, the iron
grip around his belly and chest... he had just become accustomed
to the corset as it was. He breathed in short gasps, until he
realized again that he had to change his pattern, and breathe
with the upper chest. After the headmistress checked again, with
her finger, the tightness of his corset, the nightgown was then
put over him, and he was put to bed. All the while, one of the
other women took the spent underclothes and placed them in a
bag, for the laundry.
- "Sleep well, young lady." said
the headmistress with a wry grin as she closed and locked the
- Miss Laverdiere's parting request wasn't
easy to achieve. Other than the unrelenting grip of the corset,
it was the sheer distraction of wearing it. Whitby was not used
to wearing one, and it was still in his mind that this was a
"naughty" thing to do. In addition, the sensation of
being tightly laced and put into a nightgown was absolutely arousing,
unless he made a deliberate effort to neutralize his erotic thoughts.
However, that required a conscious mind, and that left him as
soon as he dozed off.
- When he did sleep - for short periods
- his mind was invaded by vivid dreams. Dreams far more vivid
than he had ever experienced. Highly erotic dreams or highly
distressing ones, depending on his mindset upon dozing off. Many
of those dreams involved the Countess - standing before him,
with that faint smile on her face, almost an evil smile, with
that tiny waist, with the subtle creaking from her impossibly
tight corset as she breathed. In his dreams, she would cause
him to kneel, or long tendrils would come out of her hands and
envelop him tightly, squeezing, squeezing, crushing, molding
his body. Always with that smile. Whitby would awake with a start,
panting hard, aroused beyond belief. Then he would stare at the
ceiling, in the dark, until he calmed down again. He shifted
a bit, turned to one side or the other, and try to sleep a little
- In other dreams, it was Miss Laverdiere
who tormented him. She would pull his laces tighter and tighter,
until the pressure was unbearable, until he could hardly breathe.
She taunted him, humiliated him... Though in real life, the headmistress
was several inches shorter than him, in his dreams, she was towering
over him, menacing, dominating, controlling his every action,
as if he was a puppet, pulling his strings and making him dance
as she laughed. Again, he woke with a start, and aroused, rock-hard,
still trapped in his corset and nightgown.
- It took him about half the night to find
a better position to sleep. He found that by piling up every
available pillow against the head of the bed, and propping himself
up at an angle, he could be more comfortable, and the corset
was not quite as distracting. He fell asleep again, much more
easily than before.
- As he slept, he dreamed he was in the
corridor, where all the paintings of the women were. Tightly
laced, dressed, made up, the taps of his heels echoing through
the great hall, which seemed longer and higher than he remembered.
A movement caught his eye. He looked up at the paintings, and
the colors oozed down, and off the canvas of each portrait, flowed
down the walls and onto the floor, where they pooled and started
to rise up, taking human form, each puddle becoming the woman
in the painting from which it came. He was surrounded by tightly
corseted women, each in splendid gowns, who slowly closed in
around him. Each seemed to give off an aura of power, of importance,
just as their portraits did. Prominent among them was the Countess,
with her faint smile, her dark eyes drilling into him, mesmerizing
him, freezing him in place. He was unable to move, unable to
escape. Closer and closer they came, skirts rustling, corsets
creaking ever so slightly. His heart pounded, raced. He wanted
to flee, but it was impossible. The Countess held him in her
power, her penetrating gaze extracting every bit of his will.
Though it was distressing to be paralyzed as he was, he found
it quite interesting, even enjoyable, to be so totally in the
power of the Countess, to have her dominate every cell of his
body, every thought of his mind.
- Whitby opened his eyes, and looked around.
Daylight was breaking, and he could see the clock. Not long before
rising hour, so he decided not to try to get a few more winks.
He didn't want to raise the ire of Miss Laverdiere as he did
- It was not advisable to raise her ire
too often.
- To be continued...
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