- The Only Part She Liked
Copyright Abrank, 2010 May
- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- The Only Part She Liked
- Abrank
Copyright Abrank, 2010 May
- Part 1: The Stocks
- Please dont stop, Jazmin cried.
Im almost there.
- Im sorry Honey, Im done,
Viktor replied, withdrawing his penis from his wifes vagina.
- Please Viktor, just a couple more
- Honey, you dont understand,
when we men have shot our load we go soft. Were done; theres
nothing we can do about it.
- Jazmin was frantic with frustration. She
desperately wanted an orgasm and was so close to the edge, but
there was nothing she could do to get there. She was standing
bent over at the foot of their king-sized bed, her neck and wrists
trapped in the stocks that formed part of the footboard. There
were five holes, the center holding her neck and the adjacent
two her wrists. The two outer holes were empty; Viktor sometimes
used them to trap her ankles at night.
- Jazmin was a slender and attractive girl
in her early twenties. She was nude except for her high-heeled
platform shoes. Her legs were held apart by a spreader bar fastened
around her ankles, the position designed to give Victor easy
access to her. Her waist showed the marks of something that had
been fastened tightly around it. Her large breasts hung down,
and her bleached blonde hair fell down around her face.
- Viktor was in his late twenties. He was
naked except for an unbuttoned shirt through the front of which
projected a prominent beer belly. He had once been handsome,
but had neglected his health and his appearance and his once
muscular frame had turned largely to fat.
- He retreated into the bathroom and emerged
a few minutes later carrying a shiny steel chastity belt. As
he was draping its rubber coated waistband around his wife she
cried, Viktor, please dont put that thing on me.
Not tonight, please.
- Remember our agreement? Besides,
Im going away tomorrow.
- Tomorrow? You never told me. Wherere
you going?
- The usual; China. Theres a
quality problem with the factory over there. Ive got to
sort it out. Youre getting fat; pull your stomach in.
Viktor made this last remark as he struggled to close the waistband
of the chastity belt.
- How long will you be gone?
- I dunno, maybe three weeks, it all
- Three weeks! Oh Viktor, I cant
stand wearing this thing continuously for three weeks. Please
dont put it on me, Ill go crazy. Ill be good,
I promise.
- Victor grunted as he forced the front
shield up to the waistband and clicked it into position. I
know youll be good, thats what its for. Itll
give me peace of mind knowing youre safe.
- Safe from what? No ones going
to attack me.
- Victor didnt answer, so Jazmin continued.
Victor, I havent touched myself for eighteen months,
Ive been good, give me a break.
- Viktor clicked the two padlocks into place
locking the belt firmly in position and stood up. I know
youve been good for eighteen months, and I know the reason
why; its because of these metal panties. He tapped
the chastity belt. If you werent wearing them youd
be rubbing yourself like crazy. Thats disgusting, thats
not natural.
- Jazmin didnt reply, she knew he
was right. The thing she wanted most at that moment was the freedom
to masturbate to a climax. She regretted ever introducing Viktor
to bondage, and regretted even more the eagerness with which
she agreed to let him confine her in a chastity belt after he
caught her masturbating. She wanted sex several times a day and
thought the restriction to the once a day that Viktor seemed
capable of would heighten the pleasure. It did, but she still
wanted more.
- The first chastity belt was not very secure
and she was able to get her fingers under it and continue to
masturbate several times a day. But when Viktor caught her one
month later they agreed they should invest in a more secure belt.
- Viktor unbuckled the straps around her
ankles and then slid back the bolt holding the stocks closed.
He lifted the top part of the stocks on its hinge, releasing
Jazmin and allowing her to stand up. She could feel Viktors
semen trickling down and trying to find its way out of the small
holes in the steel band blocking the entrance to her vagina.
She bent down to remove her shoes and then hurried into the bathroom
to try to clean herself as best she could. She had begged Viktor
to let her bathe or take a shower without the belt, but he was
unyielding, he only removed it to have sex with her, which was
usually once a day.
- She was very frustrated and worried about
the prospect having to endure three weeks without sex. She decided
she had to confront him and try to make him see how unreasonable
he was. But her thoughts were running all over the place and
she changed her mind and decided instead to try to turn him on.
It was rare for him to have sex twice in one day, but it had
happened. If she succeeded in seducing him then she would almost
certainly reach orgasm, she was so aroused. She thought she had
a better chance of seducing him than in getting him to remove
the belt entirely.
- She dried herself as much as she could
and returned to the bedroom to find it empty. She put on her
half bra, the one that forced her breasts up and her nipples
out. She put on seamed nylons and a garter belt. She finished
with black high heels and the French negligee he liked.
- She went downstairs and found Viktor drinking
a gin and tonic. He had poured two, and offered her the second.
Wish me luck, he said. This trips a big
one. It could mean a lot of money; enough for me to retire.
- Darling, Jazmin said, disappointed
that Viktor had not reacted to her outfit, I thought you
said it was to solve problems with the factory.
- Yes, Viktor replied smoothly,
If I can get the factory running efficiently itll
mean a lot of money for us.
- Wont you miss me when youre
over there, Jazmin purred moving her hips seductively and
- Of course Ill miss you. I
always miss you when Im away from you.
- Even when youre in the arms
of those, those girls?
- Honey, weve been through this
before. If we men dont have sex every day its very
painful and unhealthy for us. Our semen builds up and puts pressure
on our balls. We have to have sex, unlike you women.
- It doesnt seem fair, you having
sex every day while Im locked up in this thing. Why cant
you let me enjoy myself?
- Now honey, I know its hard
for you to understand, but I dont enjoy myself when Im
with those girls. All I think about is you. I just have sex with
them to keep myself healthy for you. And you know its sinful
for you to rub yourself. God made us to have sex in one way only,
all the others are perversions, are sins, and if you indulge
you will go to hell. Im looking out for your best interests;
I want us both to go to heaven.
- Jazmin was silent, she couldnt think
of any counter argument that would cause Viktor to change his
mind, and she knew that if she kept arguing he would become angry,
and she very much feared his anger. But she knew that if God
had meant for women to go for long periods without sex he would
not have given them the intense desire she was now feeling.
- Part 2: The Spy
- One afternoon two weeks later Jazmin was
feeling so sexy and missing Viktors penis so much she decided
to go shopping for a new handbag in order to distract her thoughts.
As she drove away from her house, she noticed a black car that
had been parked on the opposite side of the street, start up
and begin to follow her.
- She thought nothing of it until she noticed
it behind her several turns later. She became suspicious and
pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. The black car
overtook her. As it passed Jazmin tried to see the driver but
the cars windows were too heavily tinted. The car also
stopped, a block ahead, just before the next junction.
- She waited a few minutes and then started
her car, overtook the parked black car and turned left. She looked
in the rearview mirror and saw the black car turn and follow
- Why would anyone be spying on me?
she wondered. Is someone stalking me? Does Viktor think
Im having an affair and having me followed? How could he
think that when Im locked in this steel belt? She
became annoyed and determined to confront her pursuer. She pulled
over and parked.
- The black car once again overtook her
and parked ahead of her. She waited a minute and then pulled
out and parked behind the black car, and slowly rolled forward
until the cars touched. The black car was now trapped, there
was a car parked in front of it so it could not drive forward,
and Jazmins car prevented it reversing.
- She waited expecting the driver to get
out and accuse her of colliding with him, but he did not. She
waited a couple of minutes and then got out herself. She strode
angrily up to the drivers door and knocked on the window.
The driver was a young man. He was looking away from her and
trying to ignore her, but her taps on the window became so insistent
he rolled down the window.
- Why are you following me?
Jazmin demanded angrily.
- Im not following you,
the young man replied. He was quite handsome with a well trimmed
beard. He spoke with a gentle Southern accent and Jazmin felt
her anger dissipating.
- Of course you were. Why didnt
you get out when I bumped into you? Be truthful now or Ill
call the police and have you arrested for stalking me.
- At the mention of the police the young
mans attitude changed. Im sorry maam.
Im new at this. Im just trying to find the Frogman.
- What?
- The Frogman; your husband. I thought
you might be going to meet him.
- Ive never heard of the Frogman,
you must be following the wrong person.
- Im sorry maam, but isnt
your husbands name Viktor?
- Jazmin hesitated; she didnt want
to admit anything to this young man. But he seemed harmless,
and she was curious as to why he was looking for Viktor. What
do you want with Viktor?
- Hes got something of ours,
and we want it back.
- Im sure youre mistaken,
hes a very honest man. What do you think he has?
- Im sorry maam, I cant
- Who do you work for? A collection
- The young man didnt reply so Jazmin
continued. If I ever see you again Im calling the
police. Do you understand?
- Yes maam.
- Jazmin was annoyed with herself. She felt
that she ought to be angry with the man or afraid of him, but
instead found herself sexually attracted to him. She turned and
walked back to her car thinking. Its all the fault
of this dammed chastity belt. She got into her car and
drove away.
- She hadnt gone far when she realized
she should have made a note of the license plate of the black
car. She circled around, but when she returned to the parking
spot the black car had gone.
- She was no longer in the mood for shopping
so returned home, wondering what the young man had wanted with
Viktor. She would ask him about it when he returned from China.
- Part 3: The Intrusion
- Two nights later Jazmin was awakened in
her bedroom by a hand clasped around her mouth and pressing her
head back down into her pillow. It was dark, the room dimly lit
by distant streetlamps shining through the curtains, and she
could barely see the outline of her attacker. He said, Dont
scream or Ill kill you. She recognized the voice
of the young man who had followed her.
- She struggled trying to move the muscular
arm that was pressing down on her when the man slapped her face
saying, Lie still.
- She froze, terrified by what was happening.
- Sorry about that, but you must lie
still. Ive got a knife and will cut your throat unless
you do exactly as I say.
- Jazmin felt something sharp press into
the front of her throat and her terror increased.
- Im going to remove my hand.
If you make any sound Ill slit your throat and you will
silently bleed to death right here. The man slowly reduced
the pressure on her mouth and then removed his hand entirely.
- Jazmin wondered what he wanted. Was he
lying when he said he was after Viktor? Did he want to rob her,
or maybe rape her? For the first time she was glad she was locked
in a chastity belt.
- Good. I want you to know that this
is the first time Ive ever done anything like this, so
if you do anything unexpected Im going to panic and kill
you. The only way we both get out of this situation is if you
do exactly as I say.
- With the point of the knife pressing into
her throat, Jazmin was too terrified to reply, so the man asked,
Do you understand?
- Yes, Jazmin whimpered.
- Good. Im going to ask you
a couple of questions. Answer them truthfully and I leave. Lie
to me and Ill kill you. I know a lot about Viktor so Ill
know if youre lying. The man paused and then said,
Tell me where the Frog, I mean Viktor, is.
- Hes in China.
- No hes not. I know for a fact
hes not in China. I should kill you now.
- Jasmin felt the point of the knife sink
deeper. Please dont kill me; I swear hes in
China. Thats where he told me he was going. Hes been
there many times. Something to do with a shoe factory.
- Shoe factory? Lady, the Frogman
couldnt tell a shoe from a shithouse. Listen, Ill
give you one more chance to tell the truth before I push this
knife home. Where is he?
- Please sir, Ive told you all
I know. He told me he was going to China and if he isnt
there I dont know where he is. I swear thats the
- Have you heard from him in the last
two weeks? Did you receive any letters or telephone calls?
- No nothing. But thats not
unusual when hes away.
- The man relaxed the pressure on the knife.
Jazmin wondered how badly she was bleeding, she was sure she
must be cut.
- When did he say he would be back?
- She began to think she had a chance of
surviving the encounter. The man was talking to her and she decided
to try to prolong the conversation in order to get him to like
her. He told me three weeks, and its been almost
that. Im kind of expecting him next weekend, but he often
doesnt tell me. I think he likes to surprise me.
- Im going to search this house
now. If I find anything that shows youve been lying to
me I will kill you. Is there anything you want to tell me before
I search?
- I dont know what youre
looking for but if its money theres a little in my
purse downstairs. If youre looking for drugs I dont
have any but Viktor keeps his pot in a coffee can in a cupboard
under the stairs. Thats all he has, its only a little
- OK, Ill look there first,
but if I find anything you havent told me about Im
going to kill you. Now do you have any rope? I need to tie you
up so you cant go calling anyone while Im busy.
- Jazmin thought of the handcuffs, chains
and other bondage items in the bedroom closet, but decided to
opt for a simpler solution. The bottom of this bed has
stocks; you can lock my ankles in them. Ill be trapped
and wont be able to move.
- The man removed his knife from Jazmins
throat and examined the stocks. Well Im dammed!
he exclaimed. He lifted the top piece of the stocks and Jazmin
wriggled down the bed, spread her legs and placed her ankles
in the outer slots. The man dropped the stocks and bolted it.
He checked the fit of the stocks around her ankles and appeared
satisfied. He then asked the question that Jazmin had hoped he
would overlook, Whats to stop you sitting up and
undoing the bolt?
- Jazmin thought of the many ways Viktor
had achieved this objective and decided to suggest the most comfortable.
Theres a pair of handcuffs in the top drawer there.
You can handcuff my hands around this metal bar here, indicating
part of the metal headboard.
- The man fetched the handcuffs and fastened
them around her wrists. As they clicked closed Jazmin suddenly
felt very worried and very vulnerable. In this position with
Viktor it usually meant he was going to have sex with her, but
with this young man it meant something different. He could easily
kill her without her being able to fight back. Or he could leave
her like this and she might die of thirst before Viktor returned.
- You look very sexy lying there,
the man said fondling her breasts through her nightgown.
- I feel very sexy, Jazmin replied
without thinking and instantly regretted saying it.
- Ill see what I can do,
the man said smiling. But business before pleasure, I have
a house to search.
- Jazmin lay still as the man left the room.
She tried to calm herself and relax, but she worried what the
man would do when he returned. Would he try to rape her? It seemed
probable; she had invited him to do just that with her stupid
comment. But what would he do when he discovered her chastity
belt. Would he become angry with frustration and kill her?
- The man seemed to be searching the house
thoroughly; she could hear the sound of things being overturned
and thrown about in other rooms. Perhaps he was already angry
about not finding whatever he was looking for.
- She thought about how she might appease
him when he returned. But whatever she did she had to get him
to release her from the handcuffs.
- After about an hour the intruder returned
and ransacked the bedroom, pulling the drawers out, dumping their
contents onto the floor and searching through them.
- Finally he spoke to her. Well, I
didnt find anything so now it time to take care of you.
- Jazmin froze in terror, was he now going
to kill her?
- He came to the side of the bed and pulled
her nightgown up, a move that Jazmin was dreading.
- Whats this? the man
said reaching down and touching the front of the chastity belt.
Do you have the key for it?
- No Viktor always keeps them with
- The slimy bastard! the man
said with a hint of admiration in his voice.
- Now was the time to try to get released.
If you release me Ill give you a blow job.
- Is that what Viktor made you do?
- No, he never let me touch him.
What Jazmin did not say was that she had never given anyone a
blow job. She had wanted to try it, to give Viktor one, but he
always refused. She wanted to see what it felt like to have a
real live penis in her mouth.
- OK its a deal. Where are the
keys to these cuffs?
- They should be in the drawer.
- The man found the keys and unlocked the
handcuffs. He made Jazmin sit up and bend forward. He removed
her nightgown and then handcuffed her hands behind her back.
- I think youre very sexy with
your hands handcuffed, the man said. Do you mind?
- Jazmin was surprised; for the first time
the man was offering her a choice. She debated whether to ask
for release but decided that would be going too far. She wanted
to please him to make sure he would eventually let her go. No
I dont mind. She was also surprised that the man
seemed to like bondage, and wondered if all men were inclined
that way.
- The man unbolted the stocks and then helped
her kneel on the floor in front of him.
He unzipped his pants and pulled his penis out which was large
and erect. Jazmin was curious and wanted to examine it closely.
She had never been this close to one before, not even Viktors,
and this was larger than his. But it was difficult to see in
the dim light and she though it unwise to stare at it for too
- This was the first time she had ever given
a blow job and was worried about her ability to do so. But she
didnt dare admit this to the man after she had offered
to give him one, so she said, How would you like me to
do it?
- Oh the usual way. I like it when
you use your tongue.
- Jazmin opened her mouth as wide as she
could, leaned forward and took the mans penis into her
mouth. She began to lick the underside, whereupon the man took
her head in his hands and pulled it forward making his penis
touch the back of her throat. She was about to gag when he moved
her head back. He moved her head back and forth and said, Give
me some suction.
- Jazmin closed her lips around the shaft
of the penis and tried to suck while still using her tongue.
The man continued to move her head back and forth. It seemed
quite complicated and definitely not sexy.
- She felt his penis getting larger and
harder and he moved faster. Suddenly she felt something squirting
into her throat. She wanted to cough and spit it up but resisted
the impulse. She stopped licking but the man didnt seem
to notice, he was moving his hips and grunting as he came.
- Finally the squirting stopped and the
man withdrew his penis. Thanks babe, that was great,
the man said.
- I liked it too, Jazmin lied.
- The man took something out of his pocket,
wiped his penis and tucked it back inside his pants. He zipped
up and sat down on the bedroom chair. Whats your
name? he asked.
- Jazmin.