- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- Start.
- I left not knowing really what I was getting
into, I was to meet a friend at their house so that I could be
prepared tonight for the next few days, locked into a corset
and given my uniform before returning home. When I got there
I was presented with an open metal coin box, 5 padlocks lay on
the desk next to it. I was told that 3 of his friends already
had the keys to the padlocks that would be used to lock the box
once I was ready.
- The time had come, I stripped, everything
but underpants and gave him my car keys, his girlfriend came
into the room with an old corset of hers, it was way too small
for me but they still managed to get me into it. They tied the
laces very tightly and dripped candle wax onto the knot, I then
heard 2 padlocks being closed through the lace holes. one final
statement as they circled me admiring their handywork, "Are
you sure you're going through with this?". Then I heard
a tap on the box, "it's too late now, the keys to the locks
and your car keys are in the box and they're locked in! The only
way to open that box is to go through with this."
- I put my jogging pants on and T-shirt
over the corset, carefully I put the uniform into a carrier bag
with my instructions, addresses I'd have to work at and the times
I'd have to work, then I made my way home. I'd never worn a corset
before and this was a heck of an introduction. I could feel the
strain already by the time I got in, and I had another 4 days
left before I had any hope of getting out of it. I laid the uniform
out on top of my drawers, it was a fairly simple uniform, no
over the top lace or frills. Basically a black knee length dress,
the rest was all white, a bibbed collar, waist apron plus a clip
for my hair, which I'd already been instructed to wear in a bun
with the clip on top of my head.
- Day 1.
I woke up about 6am had a good wash and a shave before putting
on my uniform. Having my car keys locked away was going to be
the worst thing, meaning I have to walk or catch the bus everywhere.
I was instructed to be at a house about half a mile from me at
7:50am. I walked there, putting on a clear rain mac over my uniform
as there was a bit of drizzle in the air.
- When I got there I knocked at the door
and was greeted by a very polite girl, mid 20's sort of age who
looked me up and down smiling, leaving me there on the doorstep
for a minute before asking me in. Once inside I took off the
rain mac and was then shown around to see where everything was
and what needed doing, I was told that I'd simply call her "miss"
and her boyfriend "sir".
- Once I'd settled in my first job was to
make "miss" breakfast & a cup of tea. I then odd
jobbed until about 20 to 9, I had to take "sir" breakfast
in bed and his coffee. He looked a few years older than her,
probably about 30 with a few tattoos, I left him to his breakfast
and went downstairs to start the laundry. This was the scene
for the day really, just the menial tasks, laundry, dishes, floors
and the cooking. Later when the sun came out and I had to put
the laundry out on the line, I kept thinking the more time I'm
outside the more chance I have of being seen. Ridiculous really,
I was nearly late because I couldn't get over a road junction,
who knows how many cars went past and saw me, and I passed a
couple of people walking on the way too, I can't have been any
less visible in that clear mac.
At 7:30pm I was given the first key and dismissed to walk home
again. My feet were killing and the corset was really starting
to dig in. I hadn't eaten at all that day, I didn't feel capable
of it wearing that corset, even if food had been offered anyway,
which it wasn't. I was allowed water only, 3 glasses all day
- Tag 2.
Really didn't want to get up, felt
hungry at least but really struggled to eat much. I had to be
at a big upmarket house some 10 miles away at 10 to 8 in the
morning, looked like it would be a sunny day. Guess it's the
bus today then, I haven't been on a bus in years never mind getting
on one in uniform, being a dry morning I didn't even have the
luxury of the mac this time
It felt like the whole bus
was looking at me for the entire journey. I arrived there really
early, when I went to the door I was greeted by a similarly dressed
maid she immediately took my inside. She told me that I would
be under her charge today, she ran me through the strict etiquette
required. I was not permitted speech unless I was spoken to or
only if it was absolutely necessary, my hands would have to be
kept behind my back when I wasn't using them and I had to curtsey
every time I met one of the occupants of the house.
- First big job of the day was to scrub
the tile floor that ran through the kitchen, dining room and
conservatory. I spent over 3 hours on my hands and knees scrubbing
and drying with cloths, once that was over we had a 10 minute
break, a cup of tea and a fruit out of the bowl in the middle
of the dining table. I then had to do the dishes, load the dishwasher
up and do the delicate things by hand before moving on to the
bathrooms. In the bathrooms I had to hand scrub all the tiles
again, as well as inside and outside of every bath, shower, sink
and toilet in the house, 2 main bathrooms and 2 en suite.
- We had another quick break, tea and fruit
again, then around about half past 5 the two of us had to start
preparing dinner, the man of the house would be in from work
soon and his dinner should be on the table at 6pm on the dot!
We would then have to wait on the couple while they ate and relaxed
for the rest of the evening. Suzan (the other maid) made a start
on the laundry and ironing while I did the dishes again, we both
went upstairs at 8pm to put clean sheets on the beds. at 10 to
9 I had to leave so I could get on the last bus home. I hadn't
spoken to the owners of the house at all, just had to curtsey
every time we passed but now I have to ask them for the key so
I can go home. I couldn't have made more of a mess of it. I went
downstairs to the lady of the house, hands behind back and when
I got to her I gave a curtsey and asked "Please miss may
I have the key you were given? so that I can go for my bus home."
She replied "As far as I was aware you were here until 10:30
the same as Suzan". I protested that if I didn't go now
I wouldn't be able to get home, the agreement in the end which
she wouldn't budge on was that I would go and get my bus but
she would put the key in the mail tomorrow morning.
- I got home just after 10pm, I was the
only person on the bus most of the way home which made the trip
a whole lot easier. I had a small dinner when I got in and went
to bed, my knees were still red from kneeling down to scrub the
floor, only tomorrow left though.
- Day 3.
I had quite a lay in, didn't have to
be there until 10 today, I was to report to a cottage owned by
an elderly lady. It turned out to be quite an easy day compared
to the last two,
I decided to walk again, anything to not have to go through the
ordeal of another bus. I got there around about on time and knocked
on the door, when it opened I immediately gave a curtsey, which
must have been yesterday repeating on me, she invited me in and
offered me a mug of tea before I started.
Her daughter had left a list of jobs stuck on the fridge with
a couple of magnets, had the normal things on it, make the beds,
vacuum, dishes, clean and dust etc. But about half way down was
one that I hadn't counted on, it read; "shopping. (will
be in at lunchtime with list)".
I set about doing the laundry first off and the ironing. I was
doing the dishes when her daughter came in about 12:30 with the
shopping list, she instructed me to go to the supermarket about
10 minute walk away towards the town centre. She walked around
and inspected my work, she told me that I'd make a fine maid
but after she'd messed with my hair and pulled my pinny around
a little that I would have to neathen myself up before I went
out shopping. She said she would be back when she finished work
to inspect what I'd done, I could then go home if she was satisfied.
The shopping trip was a nightmare, I had to walk down the side
of a busy road and there were more people in the supermarket
than I would have hoped for, I ended up just getting the basics,
groceries, milk, eggs etc. When I got back to the cottage I unpacked
the shopping and tidied the cupboards before cleaning the bathroom,
then a little dusting, vacuumed the floors and put fresh sheets
on the bed, when the daughter came back, which was just after
5pm. I made a meal for all 3 of us. The daughter again inspected
everything I had done, she handed me the key and said that I
could come back anytime. She even offered me a ride home, which
I accepted gratefully with a curtsey too. Because of all the
times I'd had to curtsey over the last couple of days, she was
the one that deserved it.
Day 4.
The next day, I waited for the post
to arrive, hoping that the 3rd key would turn up, as luck had
it the postman was early. Having got all 3 keys I made my way
to my friends house, again I walked but I was out of uniform
now at least. I couldn't believe how little I'd eaten for the
past few days although I think I'd just about gotten used to
the corset I couldn't wait to be rid of it, I was desperate for
a shower too, which I couldn't have done with it on.
When I got to my friends house I handed the uniform back and
he fetched the box out, put it on the table and asked me to strip
to my underwear once more. I couldn't wait to get it open and
these locks off, to my relief all of the keys fit and the box
opened revealing both keys to the corset and my car keys.
The conclusion to the day, once I was out of the corset my stomach
just seem to expand and dressed in my own clothes once more we
sat down to a large meal and a drink. I got home and relaxed
for a while before going to bed for the first free nights sleep
in days.
- TheStorm