- Kneeling In Pain
by John, aka LoRee, Translated by J
- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- I have a friend in the lifestyle, Vicky,
who runs a little Art Boutique called Art Jewelry and More on
Michigan Ave here in San Antonio. She's closed on Sundays &
Mondays so I decided to play hooky from work and indulge in some
harsh self bondage. I had done some work for her last year when
she was getting her place ready to open so she allowed me this
indulgence. There were some hooks embedded in the ceiling along
one wall. She didn't have a use for these but they were so well
embedded that it was easier to leave them rather than trying
to take them out since they weren't in the way.
- Monday 8 May 06 was bright but overcast
and the gallery was dark enough that even if a passer by cupped
his hands up against the window they would still be hard pressed
to see me. I hung a SRD (Special Ring Device) from the ceiling
hook furthest in the back next to a work table, which was cluttered
with various craft and jewelry projects she was working on. There
was plenty of room there for my purposes though.
- Next I hung an Ice sock release set up
from the next hook up. I experimented with this method of release
by timing an ice tray (fourteen medium size cubes) in a ankle
high stocking and a key weight. It took the key roughly four
hours and forty two minutes to fall. However, using a hefty pair
of scissors (Vicky has a pair of sheers that would cut through
this rope like a hot knife through butter) and only ten cubes,
I guess-timated this set up would take under two hours to fall.
- I started to prepared myself by shoving
a one pound bag of marbles up my rectum using a vibrating butt
plug to hold them in. Then I slid on a pair of silky feeling
purple nylon panties. I applied rice to the center of two strips
of duct tape, then placed the tape across my knees. I then pulled
on my pantyhose. But before I sealed up my crotch I urinated
into the glass with my nylon gag wad. I pulled the pantyhose
waist band high up to my lower chest and put on my waist cincher
over it holding it in place. I slid an under sized pair of thong
panties over the pantyhose insuring my crotch was tightly sealed.
I could still see my penis swelling beneath it, as well as feel
the secretions from my anus and shemale clitty starting to soak
my panties.
- Next I slid on a tight red mini skirt,
put on a half cup bra, and a red leather collar. I took every
thing else I needed over to my corner and set it on or beside
the two step stool
- I used to hang the SRD and the ice sack.
- I sat down and tightly frog tied my ankles
to my thighs, then sat up on my haunches. I extracted my gag
wad from the cup and allowed the excess to drain back into the
glass. I tipped the plastic tumbler up and drank the contents,
then crammed the wad into my mouth. This gag wad was meant to
be punitively tight. It was a golf ball wrapped in an old pair
of pantyhose, which filled my mouth to where I could not close
my lips. Urine dribbled down my chin onto my neck and chest.
I sealed my mouth shut with three strips of duct tape, over which
I put five nylon bands made from ankle high stockings ( the lower
toe half having been cut away for another purpose)
- I next took an ice cube from another glass
and ran it across my right nipple till it was good and hard.
Then I took a clover nipple clamp, with a pair of three ounce
lead weights attached, and let it bit down on my chilled stiff
nipple. I moaned as the pain was exquisite. I pulled another
ice cube from the glass and repeated the process for my left
nipple. God they hurt so much I could feel my erection stiffen
as it throbbed as much as my nipples did. I tied a crotch rope
to the front of my collar and ran it to the cinch noose for my
wrists. I slid on a Mardi Gras like mask, that covered from my
nose up, and start the stop watch on my wrist watch. I laid that
out in front of me where I could see it and turned on the butt
plug vibrator.
- I now worked my arms into the elbow rope
behind my back that was attached to the SRD. Once I accomplished
this I grabbed both ends of the rope and pulled lifting me off
my haunches and onto my knees. I then pull the draw end of the
SRD which not only cinches my elbow tie but draws them upward
to where I have to balance on my knees or hang by my elbows.
Finally I work my right hand into the wrist loop hanging from
my left and pull the cinch noose closed tight.
I am now effectively trapped with no way of escape til the ice
- My toes against the wall they are pointing
at and my rice covered knees rest on the bare concrete floor.
I gaze at a mirror I had set up to view my helplessly bound body.
I am leaning forward slightly and the lead weights dangle away
from my chest. I am so turned on by the sight and discomfort
of my predicament that I start working my crotch rope. As I do
my nipple weights start to sway painfully. The kernel's of rice
start to dig into my rocking knees. My elbow rope constricts
my arms painfully tight. I feel the desperate need to pinch a
loaf as the marbles rattle within my bowels, which now roil in
a vain effort to expel them. My nipples and rectal aches are
off set by my erotic ecstasy. It is a good thing I am gagged
as my orgasmic howls are quite effectively muffled. My orgasm
is enhance as some passers by slowly stroll by the shop window.
My orgasm is so intense that I momentarily loose consciousness.
- This is without a doubt the best orgasm
I've had this year. The feel of the sticky orgasmic mess in my
panties make me feel wonderfully like a dirty little whore that
needs to be punished. This sentiment will shortly turn into a
case of "be careful what you wish for cause you may get
I moan with a mixture of pain and pleasure as I come around hanging
by my elbows. I pull myself back up onto my knees so to minimize
circulation constriction. My hands tingle sharply as blood flows
back into them. I look at my watch and see that I have been tied
kneeling here only eighteen minutes. I wince realizing I have
awhile to go yet.
- As I wait my discomfort and pain increases.
My guts roil, my nipples ache and throb. I here to fore have
not experienced anything more than slight discomfort from kneeling
on rice for any given length of time. But my knees now hurt badly
from the rice concrete combo. Afterwards I'd discover that the
rice had broke the skin in several places across my knees. But
I still relish the feeling of true helplessness, unable to alleviate
my slightest ache and revel the pain I am forced to endure.
- I am startled by a passer by who pauses
to peer into the gallery's window with a thump against the glass.
I feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me as he looks in my
direction as if he could see me, although I know in the back
of my mind that he can not. I am aroused by my humiliation as
the stranger seems to stares straight at me. My penis starts
to swell in its slimy cocoon, as I suddenly realize that I was
unconsciously working my crotch rope again. My knees and nipples
are in agony this time as I twist and sway while I work my crotch
rope. This time the pain is in competition with my erotic sensations,
forcing me to work harder to achieve orgasm. My cries are effectively
muffled as I cum. A couple of tears escape the corner of my eyes
and seep down between my mask and face, caused by the pain from
the weights swinging from my teat.
- At an hour ten minutes, this is the longest
I've ever had clover clamps on my nipples, let lone weighted
ones. By now If I could remove the clamps and the rice taped
to my knees, I wouldn't hesitate to.
- My arms, jaw, sphincter, and bowels all
ache considerably. But now a new discomfort arises from my bladder.
I had finished off a thirty two ounce coke about ten minutes
before tying myself off. And even though I know approximately
how long it should take, I still don't know exactly when I will
be able to release myself. I am unable to physically turn my
head enough to see how much ice is left in the stocking. I can
only writhe in agony and savor my helplessness to aleave my real
life torture.
- While dwelling about having had my fill
of this and being more than ready to quit, I hear. . . . Ting
Ding ding . . . At one hour thirty three minutes the ring fell
from the ice sack.
- BUT, right on the heels of that I hear
a. . . thunk!
- Uh Oh! is a prase you never want to use
when you are in the position I was. At the last minute I decided
to put a small waste can under the ice sock to catch the water
dripping from the melting ice. It seems the swing of the scissors
did not clear the trash can.
- Despite this unfortunate turn of events
I was far from screwed since Vicky's son (who also uses a back
room of the shop to repair computers) was coming over after he
got off work. I purposely lured him with the promise of Barbacoa
and Tamales I had bought earlier, just in case. However this
still did not change the fact that I was now obliged to suffer
longer than I had bargained for. It was now a quarter to three,
but I wasn't sure whether he work til five, or if this was his
late day and wouldn't get off till seven. That could be another
four and a quarter hours more. Not to mention travel time providing
he didn't doddle along the way. Anyway regardless how long it
took, I had no choice at this juncture except to wait for him,
kneeling in pain.
- With each passing minute my pain and agony
grew ever more intense as I suffered longer than I could willingly
stand. My pain only increase with my occasional fits of useless
struggling to see if I could some how work something loose in
hopes of freeing myself. Each time only proved what an expert
job I had done of rendering myself completely and totally helpless.
Naturally this realization was followed by a bout of arousal,
but each attempted masturbatory episode was stifled by the increasing
- And each failure to get off was an exasperating
torture in itself.
- After nearly three hours I could no longer
take the pain in my bladder and let it go. About that time a
group of teenage school girls paused to look at the jewelry in
the display window. I felt extremely embarrassed sitting there
in a freshly forming puddle of piss in front of these young girls
(as if they could actually see me). The humiliation I felt however,
was so delicious that I started a new with my crotch rope. This
was the closest I came to cumming again, and the most painfully
frustrating failure to do so. Pissing on myself had a couple
of positive consequences. For one my bladder no longer hurt.
Secondly, the urine that ran down my pantyhose clad legs soaked
the rice making it soft and mushy. My knees still ached from
the concrete, just not quite as badly.
- I am still writhing helplessly in increasingly
excruciating pain and agony when, at three hours twenty two minutes,
the key turns in the door of the shop and Vicky's son walks through.
It seems he had gotten off early. I immediately start yelling
as loud as I can through my gagged mouth, He closes and relocks
the door before he notices movement in the corner and my faint
cries for help. (He is more than aware of his mothers and my
involvement in things such as BDSM and the like) He walks over
giving me a disgusted look saying "Eeew!", then goes
off to the other room. I hear him rattling around and then the
hum of the microwave. I hear the sound of soda being poured followed
by microwave's ding. Moments latter he reappears for a second
before disappearing again behind the flying wall. (A partition
hanging from but not touching the ceiling) Then to my horror
I hear him playing video games on the computer. I just can't
believe it, he is just going to sit back there and ignore me.
I twist and writhe screaming at him as loud as I could but to
no avail. Any sound I make is easily drowned out by the video
game and even if the wall wasn't there he'd have his back turned
towards me anyway.
- Now I feel truly screwed. What is wrong
with him! Can't he see that I am in distress and need his help?
As I hang there suffering in withering agony, I wonder if he
is going just up and leave me when he is done? Since his mother
is out of town and won't be back till Wednesday, will I be left
here in torturous agony until then? I moan softly into my gag
wondering what is going to happen, absolutely helpless to do
anything other than endure this searing pain I am in, as tears
saturate my face beneath my mask.
- The phone rings and I hear him say "he's
busy, or rather she's tied up at the moment . . . . No seriously,
she is literally tied up at the moment . . . . Mom I told you,
she is tied up! . . . I don't think so . . . cause she is gagged
that's why!"
- He come back around to where I am kneeling
and holds the phone out towards me, "Mom want's to talk
to you." I mutter unintelligible and bearly audibly. He
pulls the phone back and says "says see I told you! . .
. Oh OK"
- At this point he sets the phone down and
slides my mask off. He looks around for a second before spotting
the scissors half hanging in the trash can. He uses them to cut
away the nylon bands then pulls the tape from across my mouth.
It takes me but a few seconds to work and spit the gag wad out
of my mouth. "You big dummy! What the hell is wrong with
you can't you see I'm in trouble here!"
- All he can say is, "OH"
- Finally after three hours fourty six minutes
I am cut free. It hurt like hell when I remove the clover clamps.
Oh god how I cried when I took them off. Needless to say that
from now on Vickys son knows to check to see if I am in distress,
Sheesh! My nipples are still tender as I am writing this, but
I can't wait to try another variation on this scenario.
- Except for the "Ooops". And
always make sure your back up at least has a clue so you don't
wind up in deep shit like I almost did.
- John, aka LoRee