- Dear Anna,
- I recently sent you an original scenario
of mine,called Fire and Ice. So I thought you would like to know
how I got into selfbondage. It's a pretty good story, at least
I think so. If you like it, feel free to post it online.
- Warning! This story might contain
activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please
play safe.
- Okay, it started a year ago when, just
for fun, I typed in "Bondage" on a google search. After
sifting through the million links that came up, I found Bound
Anna. I really liked what I saw! I thought about trying something
myself. One weekend, I decided it was time. As an emergency release
system, I called my boyfriend to come over later that evening.
If I needed help, I'd have a way out.
- I had planned an elaborate ice release
system to free me. I put on my sexiest black corset and French
panties, and got to work. First, I used a long length of rope
to bind my legs from the ankles to the knees. I pulled myself
up onto my knees and tied another rope around my chest, just
above my breasts. I wrapped it so the knot was tucked safely
out of reach inside my corset. Buckling a belt around my waist,
I ran handcuffs behind it to harness my hands. I crammed one
of my thongs in my mouth and sealed my lips shut with duct tape.
I inserted my favorite vibrator. It was one of the ones that
turns on and off randomly. It's enough to drive a girl crazy!!
Then I lowered myself onto my stomach, attached handcuffs from
the ropes around my ankles to the belt to hold my legs secure.
Then with a deep, excited breath, I locked my hands.
- I was trapped! I floated in the helplessness
of my situation, hardly believing that I could have put myself
in such a perfect hogtie, and on my first try! I struggled a
little at first, testing my work. Eventually, I found I could
writhe and kick and squirm, but nothing was releasing me except
my key, held in ice high above me. It was the greatest feeling
I had ever experienced! The vibrator was driving me pleasantly
insane as it brought me to the edge of orgasm again and again,
but stopped just before I could release. At last, it stayed on
long enough for me to climax. I soaked my frilly French panties
with cum, and I guessed I was leaving a puddle on the floor.
- It was February, so it got dark outside
at around 5:30. Luckily, I had left the light on, so I had an
uninterrupted view of myself. That is, until the power went out.
- Yep! I had read warning after warning
about the destruction a blackout could wreak on an otherwise
happy bondage session, but I never thought it would happen to
me. I was wrong, so horribly wrong.
- Plunged into darkness, I started to get
scared. I never liked the dark, and now my helplessness didn't
seem so inviting. I started to wonder if the blasted key would
ever drop. Well, it did. But I couldn't see it. I heard it finally
hit the kitchen floor right next to me with a ping , only to
skitter away into the void. I let out a moan through my gag,
and desperately inched around on the floor searching for my freedom.
- For two hours, I searched. I slid around
on the cold, hard kitchen floor, several times finding my puddle
by accident. The cum was nastily cold by then, and I was anything
but aroused, so it only disgusted me. I finally gave up. I was
stuck. If I hadn't been gagged, I'm sure I would have let out
a stream of curses, but as it was I could only scream in frustration.
I feared the key was lost under the refrigerator. What was worse,
I now had no idea what time it was, so I didn't have a clue how
long I'd be waiting in my soaked panties for my boyfriend to
come for me.
- After ages, he finally arrived. He knocked
on the door and called my name.
I could only scream through my gag. Thinking I had been raped
or something, he burst through the door and came running to the
kitchen, following my continued screams. He had a flashlight,
and gasped when he saw me.
"My God!" he cried, "Nicole! Baby, who did this
to you?"
- After he took the tape off my mouth, I
spit out my thong and whispered, "I did."
- He instantly understood. He found my key
(it was under the fridge, just like I feared) and released me.
Oh, it was so embarrassing! I had to explain everything in detail.
He laughed at my bad luck.
"Well," he said, "I don't hold it against you.
Let's do something together next time? Then you won't get stuck
again." I was so thrilled that he didn't find me strange
for tying myself up. He even wanted to play with me next time!
That night we were glad for the blackout as we had the hottest
sex I had ever had.
- And so it began. Now, a year later, I'm
quite experienced at self bondage.
I don't make silly mistakes like I used to, and I have a lot
more fun as my games get more and more daring and complex. Also,
I've found that I love being submissive! Once I get comfortable
with a scenario, I do it together with my boyfriend. It has definitely
strengthened our relationship.
Thanks, Anna!
- All my love,