Selfbondage scenarios and predicaments

Urine Release
By Anna


Warning! This scenario might contain activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage. Please play safe.

Copyright Bound Anna!


A: This is a watercontainer, it contains the water that you will have to drink in order to be free. It is connected to object "B" with a hose. Make sure that the hose is hard enough so it can't stick together and thereby stop water from passing through. The container should be filled with much more water then are needed to fill the urine collector.

B: This is latex hood with built in penis gag that will force you to drink all the water that are feed in through the hose from object "A".

C: This is a latex flushing brief, it has a cover for your genitals that will make it possible to urinate while wearing them. You will have to urinate in order to be free, when you do your urine will be transported to object "D" through a hose like the first one. The flushing briefs also have a inflatable plug for your anal cavity. This means that you can have a enema without being able to expel it.

D: This is a cylinder that will collect the urine that you expel, when it begins to fill it will eventually make it possible to reach object "H".

E: This is another watercontainer, it contains the water that will be your enema. Fill with water according to your previous enema experiences.

F: This is a waterpump. It is set on a timer, when it start it will pump water from object "E" into object "G".

G: This is a enema bag, the water will enter the bag when the pump starts and then be transported down through a hose (like the other) to your anal plug. This water will stay in you until you get free and are able to remove the plug so make sure that it not more than you can handle.

H: This is the final object. The key. It is connected to a floating device and put in the urine collection cylinder. When the cylinder begins to fill, the key will begin to get closer and closer to your waiting hands. When you finally reach your key, you will be able to unlock your hands and reach for the other keys that you have put away at safe distance.

Additional Information.

The hands should be locked together with a pair of handcuffs. The handcuffs should be locked with a padlock to a ring in the floor (se below). The ring should be positioned close enough to the urine collector so that you can pick up the key with your bound hands.

The legs should be locked to the floor in a similar way to prevent subject from moving around. Put two leather straps (dog collars) around each leg. Put one close to the knee and the other close to the feet. Lock these straps to rings in the floor (se below) with padlocks. The distance between the two legs should be atleast 50cm. Arrange the rings accordingly and make sure that they can not be pulled away from the floor.


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