- Warning! This scenario might
contain activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage.
Please play safe.
A, B, C: Immovable anchor points.
D: Wrist cuffs. Each wrist cuff must be
individually locked to N with a padlock. A third padlock must
lock each wrist together.
E: Leg cuffs and spreader bar. These should
be fixed above the knee and ensure that the knees stay about
1 meter apart.
F: Nipple ring with padlock attaching it
to K. The nipple ring must not be removable, else a small guage
padlock must be used directly.
G: Key to padlocks at F and for padlocks
joining D to N.
H: A small bunch of fresh nettles, holly,
crinkled up aluminium foil or wrags bathed in Deep Heat (Bengay),
tied securely to J, near G.
I: Strong elastic or rubber bands. Attached
to A, and securely tied to J.
J: Strong rope or chain joining C and I.
K: Chain joining C to the padlock at F.
L: String with ice block. Secured at B,
holding M. Must be long enough once melted to be in easy reach
of D.
M: Key to the padlock joining the two wrists
at D only.
N: Stong rope of chain joining B to D.
Must be short enough to prevent D reaching G, H or E directly.
The idea is that the key at "M"
only allows the captive to separate their hands which still remain
connected to "B". Even once the ice has melted, the
captive cannot reach "E" or "G" directly,
instead they can just bring their hands infront of them to allow
them to pull on "J" to bring the keys at "G"
to their hands - this will pull "H" through the genital
area but is the only way to reach "G". Beware that
"I" must be elastic enough to allow "G" to
arrive at the hands of the captive when they are still attached
to "B". I can be simply constructed from a number of
rubber bands looped together.
People without pierced nipples may choose
to replace "F" with a secure collar. |