- The Locked Box
By TheStorm
- Warning! This scenario might
contain activities that might not be suitable in selfbondage.
Please play safe.
- The Locked Box. This is a challenge
game for 2 players.
Before you start you need.
A costume each, pick a common theme for both, some suggestions
would be:
Humiliating dresses, Fancy dress, Dresses made from plastic bags
or newspapers.
A box that is big enough to fit all of the everyday clothes you
are both wearing and can be locked using a padlock.3 padlocks
(1 must have 2 keys to it, the other 2 must only have 1 key.)
- To Play.
Put both costumes in the box.secure the box in a hidden secluded
place.The padlock with 2 keys is the padlock for the box, open
the padlock & take 1 key each.The padlocks with 1 key are
your padlocks, take 1 padlock each and swap keys (so you have
the keys to each others padlocks.)
Both of you go your seperate ways, hide the keys to the padlock
for the box some distance away, lock the key into place using
your padlock. Then return to the box.
When both of you have returned to the box you must then both
change into costume, put your everyday clothes into the box,
lock the box using the padlock.
You must then search for the key to the box that the other person
has hidden.
(You cannot return to your own key because you have each others
padlock keys.)
To make things easier a clue may be given to the location or
a rough area agred on beforehand, this may help prevent it being
an impossible task to find the key.
Once you have found the hidden key unlock the padlock & take
both key & padlock back to the box.
Change back into your everyday clothes and lock the box with
the padlock you have just picked up,
this will prevent the other player from getting to their everyday
clothes until they have completed a forfeit
or service for you & you are satisfied enough to let them
into the box.
- Extra things.
The key Could be hidden nearer or further away depending on how
difficult you want to make things, also the busier the place
where you hide the key will mean a more humiliating recovery
of it, be as cruel as you feel you want to, the other player
might well be just as cruel to you.